I will fix google merchant center suspension or misrepresentation





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About This Proposal

Hey There, Webmahmuddm Here,


Do you need a specialist to fix the Google Merchant Center suspension issue? you are a complete beginner in the e-commerce sector, willing to run a Google Shopping ads campaign. But nowadays, you are facing problems in the Google Merchant Center, including suspension issues due to:


Policy violations


Disapproved product's data feed

Missing or incorrect shipping attributes

Incorrect value (identifier exists)

limited performance due to missing value (GTIN)

Website needs improvement

Insufficient contact information

Misleading and false claims

Mobile page not available.

You are in the right place. My goal is to have you stop wasting energy, time and money by evaluating and solving all issues in your GMC.


There are a few other things that I would recommend for your merchant center account to be approved, like other sellers. I can make all the adjustments and procedures to have your website accepted and approved by Google Merchant Center(GMC), so you can focus on your business. Therefore, you don't have to pay any additional fees to a third party.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you do for me?
I will thoroughly examine all pertinent sections of the website, "Google Merchant Center," and "Data Feed," and I will then provide documentation outlining the necessary adjustments and justifications.
What Are the Requirements to Begin the Work?
First of all, you need access to your Google Merchant Center account and also access to your integrated CMS (Content Management System) Shopify, WordPress,
Which Platforms do you prefer for work?
I have experience working with all types of e-commerce platforms, including WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, e-Wix, BigCommerce, ShopWired, and others.
Can you reactivate my suspended merchant account?
Yes, I will fix your suspended merchant account.
If I'm not satisfied with your work ?
If after the revision you are still unsatisfied, I will refund your money.

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